Customer Reviews
Review 1:You can title this review "why I like Bounty." We have used a lot of different paper towels over the years, from the cheapest to the most expensive. The problem with cheap paper towels is that they fall apart, and typically hold far less moisture than Bounty paper towels. So, when you use a cheap paper towel you have to use several sheets to achieve the same functionality that you get with one sheet of Bounty. We wondered whether the very expensive paper towels were better than Bounty, and tried them. In fact, there are expensive paper towels that hold more moisture and are more durable than Bounty, but we also found that we were throwing away the expensive paper towels because the stuff we wiped up we wanted in the garbage, and not moved on to another task.Tags: toilet paper,

We do bulk purchase our Bounty in the 15 roll package because we know that we will eventually use them all up. We use Bounty in the kitchen, the garage, and even outdoors. Bounty is great for windows, including car windows. Bounty is also an excellent aid for wiping off parts and the oil dip stick when you are working on your car. We have also used Bounty to set dishes on for drying, to set vegetables on after they have been washed, and as an inexpensive doily for plants and decorations.
After trying more than a dozen brands of paper towels, I am convinced that Bounty offers the best combination of performance and price for every day use. Buy a lot; you will need them!
Review 2:
Amazingly, Bounty is exactly as advertised in every way and they are superior in every way to every 2-ply towel I have used over the past 50 years. However, there is a 1-ply paper towel that has them beat in the area of SOFTNESS and that is VIVA!
Having said that, I would buy "Viva" to use at home where it can substitute amply for facial tissues, napkins, and other personal uses as well as its standard paper towel functions. Bounty I'd keep at work, where its iron durability makes it perfect for work-sized spills and tasks.
In essence, Bounty IS the perfect "quicker picker-upper" and Viva is the most versatile, so take your pick because here it would be hard to go wrong.
Review 3:
These towels live up to their reputation for absorbing more liquid and staying strong. The price is premium (and this is a best seller.) So we wait until they go on sale and stock up. In our house, there is no other paper towel allowed.
Review 4:
I've used Bounty since my childhood! and that's long enough to know that there isn't anything better than this brand of paper towel. When you buy Bounty in bulk- it costs approx $1 per two-ply roll and its well worth it. Brawn or Scott are unqualified for comparison- and needless to mention supermarket brands- horrible! And yes, I use the Bounty sheets more than once if I'm only drying my clean/washed hands :). There is one downside worth mentioning, if perforations are important to you, then Bounty's perforations might unnerve you. Sometimes when I rip sheet from roll, it tears outside of the perforated line. Overall, quality & price are satisfactory!
Review 5:
You really can't beat Bounty paper towels for strength and absorbency and at this price they are really a deal.
Product Features
Product Description
27.9 cm x 27.9 cm. 60 2-Ply sheets per roll. White. Big quilts! Lock in Spills.
Product Details